Предмет: Немецкий язык, автор: 666Bella666

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Автор ответа: pinkfreud

Aufgabe 1.

1. Was hast du in den Ferien gemacht? Ich bin in den Ferien nach Paris gereist.

2. Hast du in Paris ein Souvenir gekauft? Nein, ich habe in Paris kein Souvenir gekauft.

3. Was hast du dort angeschaut? Ich habe dort den Eiffelturm angeschaut.

Aufgabe 2.

1. Im Sommer haben Petra und Klaus Schneider mit ihren Eltern Ferien in Spanien gemacht.

2. Sie sind mit dem Flugzeug gereist.

3. Der Flug hat drei Stunden gedauert.

4. Am Nachmittag ist das Flugzeug in Madrid gelandet.

5. Ein Freund hat sie dort abgeholt.

6. Familie Schneider hat in einem Hotel am Meer gewohnt.

7. Am nächsten Morgen hat (если "она") / haben (если "они") sie auf der Terrasse gefrühstückt.

8. Danach haben die Kinder im Meer gebadet.

9. Mittags haben Petra und Klaus Postkarten für ihre Freunde gekauft.

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4 Answer: true, false or no information.

1. Misha likes his new school.
2. Misha likes to wear the school uniform.
3. Misha's room is big and cold.
4. Misha likes all the boys in his room.
5. Lessons start at seven o'clock.
6. Children get a lot of punishments at St David's School.
7. Rob is very popular in his class.
8. The school is a gloomy old house.
9. Misha is very good at Maths.
10. Music is a compulsory subject.
Вот по этому тексту:
Dear Masha,

My first days at school were awful. The house is a ruin. We are in a big old room with no central heating. It is really cold. I have to wear a stupid uniform. I hate it! We get up at seven, and there are nine lessons every day! The teachers are very strict. We can only speak to them if they speak to us. We must call them Sir or Mrs.

Yesterday when I was running in the corridor, Mrs Nasty saw me. I got a detention for this. I had to stay in her room after school and do lines. I wrote "I mustn't run in the corridor" two hundred times. I think Mrs Nasty hates me.

We can choose some optional subjects, but Maths, English, English Literature, one foreign language, Religious Education, IT, DT, one subject from the arts and one subject from the sciences are compulsory.

I don't like the other boys from my class. They are nice and polite when the teacher is there, but when the teacher isn't there, they are really cheeky. At the moment I don't have any problems with them, but they bully Rob. I feel really unhappy and homesick. What can I do?

Much love,
Оч надо
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: Аноним