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What should we do to protect our lan
(что мы должны сделать что бы защитить нашу землю)
от 10 предложений
Ответ:Earth, a unique planet, often in advertising networks we see photos of this planet , it is beautiful and very very vital , is it true? Of course not. We are polluting our planet , our Earth , our life source . But not only that, in the last century we have started to pollute space, it is very bad . Have you ever thought about how to protect this planet ? So, we need to first solve the question: How do we make it a dream ? the answer is simple: we throw out garbage on the street, various wrappers, etc .. We have solved the question , and how to deal with this ? The answer is again simple , we will not throw out garbage in public as well as in forest areas . And there is also a very bad news that began already in the twenties this is global warming, the solution to this problem is not to throw out garbage and plastic on the street, but to fight the burning of plastic, and not enough water in the first place all because of global warming , and secondly all because of the fact that we use water when for example we brush our teeth do not close the mixer through which water flows, the problems are huge but I hope all this will pass thanks to the responsibility of people . Let's protect this planet , this vital source ! :D