Предмет: Информатика, автор: sedina24

Ha python.
Написать программу, позволяющую по последней цифре числа определить последнюю цифру его квадрата


Автор ответа: YungSnow


x = int(input())

print(x * x % 10)


Достаточно возвести цифру в квадрат и посмотреть её последнюю цифру этого квадрата

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ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА РЕБЯТ С АНГ ДАЮ 40 БАЛЛОВ И ЛУЧШИЙ ОТВЕТ КТО ПОМОЕТ ВЕРНО.Fill in: locals, biting, shared, seasick, caught,
lighting, carried, audience, rose.
1 Nicky g o t ..........................because there w ere big
waves and the boat was m oving up and dow n.
2 He g o t ...............................................in bad weather.
3 Beth really enjoys m eeting t h e ..............................
w hen she's trave lling.
4 T h e .....................................................made the w hole
th e a tre look red and gold.
5 H e ......................................... his travel experiences
w ith his friends.
6 Max had tro u b le sleeping because the
m osquitoes w e r e ................................him all night.
7 The curtain ...................................... and a b ea utifu l
actress appeared on stage.
8 T h e .........................................clapped loudly at the
end o f th e perform ance.
9 The singer's voice ...................................... over the
sound o f the crowd.
9x2=18 marks
Put th e verbs in brackets in past sim ple or
past continuous.
1 Gary was w ritin g postcards w h ile L a u ra .............
....................................... (take) photos.
2 We ...................................................(w atch) a film at
8 o'clock yesterday evening.
3 Susan opened the door and ...................................
(run) o u t o f the house.
4 Larry Page and Sergey B r in ......................................
(m eet) in 1995.
5 ..................................................(you/listen) to music
w hen I called?
5x2=10 marks
Com plete th e sentences w ith used to.
1 In ancient tim es the a c to rs ......................................
(w ear) b righ tly-co loured costumes in Chinese
2 ................ the ancient Greeks ....................................
(perform ) in o u td o o r theatres?
3 L ily ................................(n o t/liv e) in the city w hen
she was 5.
4 Harry ................................(take) long w alks in the
countryside w hen he was young.
4 x 3 = 1 2 m a rk s
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