Пожалуйста очень срочно нужно. Дам 40 баллов!!!

1. А
2. I am a student of the school (school number). I study at an educational institution, I also have a hobby (what exactly?). I like that this class is taught at our school and I don't have to go far.
Good points:
What is understanding teachers can help with tasks, something to advise, interesting to tell a topic, a lesson.
Bad point:
Classmates are always distracted from tasks, it is not very convenient from the lesson. it makes me mad.
Your recommendations:
On the one hand,learn not to be distracted by something to understand the topic, listen to the teacher's advice, sit quietly (do not make noise) in class, because it interferes with other students (do not speak loudly in class). Answer in class, and do avdanya most likely.
P.s. I did not understand what he was doing here, but somehow so.