Нужно задать все вопросы к предложениям: There are a lot of famous actors in this theater и Most of the cooking in our family does my husband
There are a lot of famous actors in this theater.
Общий: Are there a lot of famous actors in this theater?
Разделительный: There are a lot of famous actors in this theater, aren't there?
Альтернативный: Are there a few or a lot of famous actors in this theater?
Специальный: Where are there a lot of famous actors?
К подлежащему: Who is there in this theater?
Most of the cooking in our family does my husband. - неверный порядок слов! (видимо, перевод с русского)
Если не менять залог, то
My husband does most of the cooking in our family.
Общий: Does my husband do most of the cooking in our family?
Разделительный: My husband does most of the cooking in our family, doesn't he?
Альтернативный: Does my husband do most of the cooking or shopping in our family?
Специальный: What does my husband do in our family?
К подлежащему: Who does most of the cooking in our family?
Но ближе по смыслу будет вариант с пассивом:
Most of the cooking in our family is done by my husband.
Общий: Is most of the cooking in our family done by my husband?
Разделительный: Most of the cooking in our family is done by my husband, isn't it?
Альтернативный: Is most of the cooking in our family done by my husband or by me?
Специальный: Who is most of the cooking in our family done by?
К подлежащему: What is done by my husband in our family?