Составить 5 любых предложений в буд. вр. ещё к ним отрицание и вопрос с краткими ответами.
Ответ:1.I shall go to the cinema tomorrow with my friends.
Shall i go to the cinema tomorrow with my friends?
I shant go to the cinema tomorroe with my friends.
2.They will play football after classes.
Will they play football after classes?
They will not play football after classes.
3.We shall go to see our grandmother.
Shall we go to see our grandmother?
We shant go to see our grandmother.
4.Tom will play tennis after classes.
Will Tom play tennis after classes?
Tom will not play tennis after classes.
5.You will go to school tomorrow.
Will you go to school tomorrow?
You will not go to school tomorrow.
He will go to school tomorrow (Он пойдёт в школу завтра)
I will do my homework (Я буду делать уроки)
My cat Will eat meat (Мой кот будет есть мясо)
My friends will read a book next week (мои друзья будут читать книгу на следующей неделе)
My father will buy a new car tomorrow
(Мой папа купит новую машину завтра)
He won't go to school tomorrow
I won't do my homework
My cat won't eat meat
My friends won't read a book next week
My father won't buy a new car tomorrow
Will he go to school tomorrow?
Will I do my homework?
Will my cat eat meat?
Will my friends read a book next week?
Will my father buy a new car tomorrow?