ДАЮ 50 БАЛЛОВ!!! ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО, ПРОШУ!!!!! КТО НЕ СПИТ, УМОЛЯЮ, НУЖНО НА ЗАВТРА НА 10 УТРА!!! ТОЛЬКО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, НЕ С ИНТЕРНЕТА, И КОМУ НЕУДОБНО НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ, МОЖЕТЕ НА РУССКОМ, Я ПЕРЕВЕДУ. Напишите эссе на тему: "Schools should provide computers for students to use for all their subjects", "Школам следовало бы обеспечивать компьютерами учеников по всем их предметам".
In digital era it's hard to imagine our world without using any technological devices from computers to smartphones. Even for me it's seems impossible to imagine my life without smartphones. It makes our life so much easier and at the same time is bad if you over-using it. But, today I'm going to talk about computers in general, how important it is to provide to schools computers to use for all our subjects. Just imagine how computers would be increase our interest to study and also how it would be improve our teachers productivity to fill out some endless papers that never ends and it can be replaced by computers. And a computer is friendly use it's not a rocket science. Okay, I said that studying with computers would be really thriling and it's for sure has some positive impacts to school, but there are also some negatives impacts for example during the class using computers can reduce the attention to subjects. For this reason, the pupil can miss the important knowledge which is for sure can impact to his/her grades. Overall, I think school needs to be provided with computers, but it would be great if we use computers more in subjects like informatics.