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Great Britain is an unique country with the rich culture and many interesting traditions. Nowadays, the country is famous for its special political system, for its symbols and features. The concept itself is not correct. Great Britain is not a country. It's a geographical term. The name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and it consists of England, Scotland, Wales and, consequently, Northern Ireland. It is also a legendary city and many people want to live there because of its special charm, beautiful architecture and unique citizens.The flag of Great Britain is not so simple. It has a very important meaning, because it symbolizes the union of the countries. All of them together create the United Kingdom. It has many names, but the most common one is the Union Jack. Nowadays, the flag is very popular all over the world. You can find its print on the very different things, for example on the souvenirs, cups, bags, clothes, shoes, whatever!Great Britain has many places of interest, that is why the country attracts a big number of tourists. Big Ben, Westminster Abbey are among the most famous attractions situated in the London city, where you can also find many interesting places. In my opinion, every person who is travelling to Great Britain should visit the London city. There are some interesting facts about London. London is built on the river Thames. There are 15 bridges in the city, that span the river. The first bridge was wooden and the Romans built it. London is divided into separate local units of the government.