даю 20 балов Используй идеи и напиши эссе про за и против путешествия на автобусе\ поезде\ машине (выбери любой транспорт) (60-80 слов) Следуй плану! Используй слова –связки!

All people like travelling and they prefer different types of transport. Obviously, I'm not an exception as I also use different ways to get from one place to another and my favorite is travelling by train.
As for the pros of travelling by train, you can sleep on the train and it is really comfortable. Another advantage is that you can meet a lot of interesting people and listen to their stories.
Surely, travelling by train has some disadvantages, as well. The first one is if you travel fa, it can take you even a couple of days, so it can be tiring. Another disadvantage is that sometimes your companions can be noisy or chatty which is disappointing and sometimes annoying.
In spite of disadvantages I prefer travelling by train as it is a great fun.
я выбрала про путешествия на поезде, я написала про плюсы и минусы
всем удачи!
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спасибо большое!