10 речень про лондон на англійській мові
London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. There is a lot to see in London. In the very center of London there is the Parliament building - Westminster Palace, as well as the famous Big Ben clock tower. On the opposite bank of the Thames there is the London Eye Ferris wheel, which offers a panoramic view not only of the south bank, but of the entire city. You can see Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. Buckingham Palace
Royal Palace, the official residence of the ruling dynasty in London. The building has about 800 rooms, around a perimeter of 20 hectares there is a whole "city" for the internal use of royalty: a hospital, a police station, a post office, a restaurant. The palace was built for the Duke of Buckingham in the 18th century, but was bought by King George III. It became an official residence after the accession to the throne of Queen Victoria.