Предмет: Алгебра, автор: naaktivigra657




Автор ответа: Пеппер

Нехай швидкість велосипедиста х км/год, тоді швидкість пішохода х-8 км/год. Велосипедист був у дорозі 2 год, пішохід 3+2=5 год.

Маємо рівняння:

5(х-8) + 2х = 44




Швидкість велосипедиста 12 км/год, швидкість пішохода 12-8=4 км/год.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vickisorokina
Replace the parts in bold type by Participle I (non-perfect form, active) according to the model.
Model I: She looked down at her son who was sleeping (attribute) on
the sofa. – She looked down at her son sleeping on the sofa.
1. They passed a group of workers who were repairing the road. 2. He will leave at 10, just in time to meet the train that will arrive at 10.30. 3. It always gives me pleasure to help students who work hard. 4. The windows that face the garden were open. 5. We drove up to the front door of a tall house which stood a little back from the road. 6. Near the dock he ran into a sailor who was returning from town. 7. I've received a letter from him which says that he is coming next month. 8. He couldn't fall asleep because of the noise that was coming from the street. 9. He threw aside the letter that was lying on top and picked up the next. 10. She got on the train that was going to Moscow.
Model II: That night while he was walking down the avenue (adverbial
modifier of time) he wished most of all to meet her. –
(While) Walking down the avenue, he wished most of all to
meet her.
1. While she was clearing the fable she thought of the uselessness of such parties. 2. When I saw that it was useless to argue with him, I dropped the subject. 3. He got off at Sverdlov Square, and walked fast towards the Bolshoi Theatre. 4. When he arrived at the station, he didn't find anyone to meet him. 5. The girl took a sheet of paper and wrote the first words that came into her head. 6. Then she stopped suddenly, as she remembered the presence of the children. 7. As he pulled up at the house, he was surprised to see no light in the windows. 8. While grandfather was enjoying the smoke he thought over his present situa¬tion. 9. When he saw them, he stopped to let them catch up with him. 10. As she entered the garden, she saw her father repairing the car.
Model III: As he was busy, he refused the invitation. (adverbial
modifier of reason) – Being busy, he refused the invitation.
She turned to me for help because she did not know how to
deal with the problem. – She turned to me for help, not
knowing how to deal with the problem.
1. He saw his mistake and stopped arguing. 2. As she was very tired, she fell asleep the moment her head touched the pillow. 3. As he was sure that he was right, he felt calm and undisturbed. 4. She stopped, she didn't know which way to follow. 5. He decided to change his job, because he was not fit for it.
Model IV: He went out and closed the door behind him. (adverbial
modifier of manner or attending circumstances) – He went
out closing the door behind him.
1. "I would rather start for the station immediately," she said and looked up at the clock. 2. He sat by the open window and watched the people passing by. 3. She answered all my questions calmly and tried to look indifferent. 4. They stood on the doorstep and watched the car as it drove away. 5. He entered the room, he whistled gaily. 6. He stood before the house where he grew as a child and thought of many things. 7. She lay on the sofa and listened to the radio. 8. He smoked all the time and usually lighted a fresh cigarette from the end of the last.