How much Holiday Vocabulary do you know? You are goin
have a competition. Work in small groups. On the left side ther
some clues, on the right side
need) Who can match all clues to the answers faster?
1. A period of time when yoy don't work.
2. A fast and noisy means of transport.
3. A rather small house on wheels.
4. Jump head first into the water.
5. It means that you want to be back home.
6. We like it to shine when we are on holiday.
7. You have to buy this to travel by train and bus.
8. You often make new ones when on holiday.
9. What yoy can do on holiday.
10. A holiday month on the northern hemisphere.
11. You get this from sunbathing.
12. A place where you can swim.
13. You use it to make memories about your holiday.
14. Go from one place to another.
15. Usually a holiday gets more... than expected.
16. A small bathing costume for women.
17. This means going to see intersting and fanous things.
18. Mowing in water by means of arms
and legs.
19. A place very near the sea.
20. A document that allows you travelling around.
Tan, visa, sun, rain, relax, hotel, cheap, friends, holiday, homesick, expensive, sightseeing, postcard, airplane, caravan, camera, ticket, travel, bikini, arrive, beach, swim, hotel, July, pool, give.
1. A period of time when you don't work. - holiday
2. A fast and noisy means of transport. - airplane
3. A rather small house on wheels. - caravan
4. Jump head first into the water. - dive
5. It means that you want to be back home. - homesick (скучающий по дому)
6. We like it to shine when we are on holiday. - sun
7. You have to buy this to travel by train and bus. -ticket
8. You often make new ones when on holiday. - friends
9. What you can do on holiday. - relax
10. A holiday month on the northern hemisphere. - July
11. You get this from sunbathing. - tan (загар)
12. A place where you can swim. - pool (бассейн)
13. You use it to make memories about your holiday. - camera
14. Go from one place to another. - travel
15. Usually a holiday gets more... than expected. - expensive
16. A small bathing costume for women. - bikini
17. This means going to see interesting and famous things. - sightseeing
18. Mowing in water by means of arms and legs. - swim
19. A place very near the sea. - beach
20. A document that allows you travelling around. - visa