Предмет: Химия, автор: mashayuldashova

Опираясь на мысленный эксперимент докажите, какой из этих веществ находится в какой пробирке: NaCl, NaOH,HCl?


Автор ответа: youroxygenium

При добавлении к раствору гидроксида натрия фенолфталеина наблюдается окрашивание раствора в малиновый цвет, это связано с тем, что в растворе присутствуют гидроксид-анионы (OH-):

NaOH ⟶ Na(+) + OH(-)

После добавления к раствору гидроксида натрия соляной кислоты наблюдается обесцвечивание раствора, это свидетельствует о том, что в растворе больше не присутствуют гидроксид-анионы, из-за того, что прошла реакция нейтрализации: NaOH + HCl ⟶ NaCl + H2O

H(+) + OH(-) ⟶ H2O

В оставшейся пробирке NaCl

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How to find a job in Britain

In Britain when a pupil leaves school at sixteen or later he or she must find a job. To achieve his or her goal school leavers without special qualifications will

probably visit a Job Centre or look through local newspaper advertisements School careers officers also can offer advice. But ultimately it is up to the boys and girls themselves to find work.

Graduates from universities and other colleges are in the same position except that they are older and are looking for different kinds of work. Usually they start their search near the beginning of their third (i.e. final) year in college. The professional work many of them seek normally requires further specialized training! So the first step is to get a place on a training course - and a grant or some other funds to pay for the course. Probably the first stage will involve some kind of exam and an interview - necessary procedures for choosing which applicant I shall be given places on the course which may lead to a job in the end. (Such courses are essential for librarians, computer programmers, social workers, accountants and many other kinds of qualified workers.) Certain organizations take graduates directly and train them while they are working - for example the BBC. A recruitment committee has to read through the papers and select maybe eight or ten applicants for interview. At the interview they will be asked their reason for wanting the job, and have to answer questions about their academic career, other activities and - often - questions which seem to have no point but which are intended to reveal their personality, skills and general suitability for the job.

Eventually someone will be selected. If the fortunate candidate is not happy with all the conditions of the job (pay, hours of work, pension rights and so on) he doesn't have to accept it - but once he has signed the contract he cannot leave the job without giving notice (of maybe three or six months) and he cannot be thrown out of the job without notice and without good reason.

Today graduates can expect to make dozens of applications for jobs and get short-listed1 for interviews two or three times before they find satisfactory work. Some of course know exactly what they want and manage to find the right job first time, but more often graduates can spend months searching, meanwhile earning enough to pay the rent by washing dishes or some other short-term work.

Having found your job, you certainly do not expect to stay in it for life - or even more than a few years. Whether they are working in private industry or in the state sector, people assume that if they want more money or more responsibility they must expect to move from one employer to another or from one area of work to another. Promotion up the steps of the ladder within a firm certainly happens, but the advantages to both employer and employee - stability, familiarity with the work, confidence, loyalty to the firm and its workers - must set against the advantages of bringing in "fresh blood", new challenging ways of approaching the work (avoidance of intrigues and resentment among those already in the organization about the promotion of one over the other) and the hard work that can

be expected from someone new in the job who has to "prove" himself or herself. In practice promotions are usually a mixture of "within-house" and from outside. Consequently, employees who want to improve their position start looking for other jobs within few years of securing their first one.