Предмет: Математика, автор: artemgrinenko1905

Task 2
Read the text and answer the questions.
A few years ago, I went on a long weekend to the Lake District in the UK. It is a very
popular holiday destination in the north of England. I went on my own and had a wonderful time.
I stayed in a youth hostel and met some nice people but the most memorable thing about the
holiday was the breathtaking views and lovely picturesque villages. It can get very busy with
lots of tourists so I decided to go out of season in the autumn. The weather was fantastic and the
shops were full of local crafts. A great holiday! It's certainly not the kind of short break for
someone looking for a busy nightlife but if you want to relax in the middle of stunning
landscape I would certainly recommend a holiday to the Lake District.
Answer the following questions:
1) Did the person like the accommodation and people there?
2) Did the person have a good time? How do you know?
3) What is the person's opinion about "tourist season" in that destination?
4) Was the destination busy when he went?
5) What is the person's opinion about the scenery?
6) What kind of people would this type of holiday be good for?​


Автор ответа: joldosheva737


1)yes, he liked it

2)he liked it here because you can relax in this place, although there were many tourists, so he decided to return again in the fall

3)It was during this season that the weather was fantastic and the shops were full of local crafts.

4)well yes, it was closed

5)Everything was fantastic

6)t's certainly not the kind of short break for

someone looking for a busy nightlife but if you want to relax in the middle of stunning


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