Помогите пожалуйста, устный зачёт по английскому, нужно ответить на вопросы:
1. Have you made your decision about your future career yet?
2.What job will/won't be popular in the future?
3.What job makes people satisfied?
4. What factors influence the career choice?
5. What skills are necessary for different jobs?
6. What qualities are valued in different jobs?
7. Talk about the job you are interested in
8. What recommendations can you give teens who make career decision?
9.Is it easy to get a job
What tips can you give to those who apply for a job vacancy
10. Should teens have a part-time job?
1)no i think about it
2)I think that programism
3)I think that kind of work makes people happy
4)I think famous
5)I think that mind. because without ummah, strength is not needed
6)I think that the mind, speed, vision
7)Programming originated in the 19th century, and until the middle of the 20th century, when information technology exploded, creating programs for a machine was akin to art. Programming was the lot of the elite. Today, the profession of a programmer is widespread and in great demand. In 2017, there were 18.2 million software developers in the world, of which 1.3 million were in Russia.
8)I think they need to become a doctor, psychologist, programmer.
9)I think not easy. the main thing is to work honestly and be obedient.
10)I think no, then the salary will be lower.