текст про Казань на английском с переводом. 5-6 предложений
If you like to travel, if you want to see beautiful and historical places and meet interesting people, you have to come to Kazan. This town is very old and has many interesting facts for guests. Honestly, I am sure, even its citizens don’t know everything about it.
My first meet with this fantastic town was 5 years ago, when I went with my parents to visit our friends. We arrived here very late and the weather was not so good. I could not see everything properly and didn’t really like that place. Next morning we went out and I have seen all this architecture and streets.
Kazan is a big city. It's very beautiful, once I visited it and saw a lot of interesting things. Here are beautiful buildings, as well as trees. Once I went to see the beautiful nature there. I saw a lot of interesting things. Here is a beautiful bird singing songs. I can’t wait. next trip to Kazan!
Казань это большой город.Там очень красиво,однажды я там побывал,и увидел много интересного.Вот красивые здания,так же деревья.Я однажды пошел посмотреть там красивую природу.Я увидел много чево интересного.Вот красивая птичкка пела песенки.Жду не дождусь следующей поездки в Казань!