Предмет: Литература, автор: ovakimyan617

Помогите дам 30 баллов надо описать в жвнре лирической позыпервую грозу


Автор ответа: sosihui11


Как я люблю месяц май! Первая травка радует нас своей чистотой, первый одуванчик приветствует нас своей желтой шапочкой. Но больше всего я люблю первую грозу.

Вот только светило солнце, и вдруг набежала тучка. Все вокруг потемнело. Ветер начал гнуть деревья. И раздался гром, звук которого за долгую зиму я уже забыл. Он так сильно урчал, распугивая детвору, гуляющую во дворе. Появились первые тяжелые капли дождя. Они застучали по асфальту, по крышам машин. Малышня во все стороны разбежалась от потоков воды, один я в полном восторге подстявлял этому первому дождю свое лицо.

Как же мне стало весело и радостно. И я понял, что лето уже пришло!

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Russia is a large country with many wonderful places. It stretches from the shores of the Pacific Ocean in Asia to the Baltic Sea in Europe, and from the cold, snowy Arctic to the sunny Black Sea coast.

Russia has nearly every kind of weather. Also it has many kinds of land rocky mountains, dry empty steppes, powerful rivers, wide plains and great forests and lands of endless winter. There are places of great beauty and places of historic interest. The wil areas in the country are the home of many birds and animals. It is important not to destroy these places but to keep them as they are for everyone to enjoy. 

Russia, like many other countries, has a system of national parks. The first national park, Losinyi Ostrov (Elk Sle) appeared in 1983. It is situated to the northeast of Moscow and a part of it in fact lies on the territory of the city. Now the park has become a popular place to visit for grown-ups and children especially schoolchildren who come to the park in big groups. The park has two visitor's centres. The scientists who work in the park are interested in the flora and fauna this area. 

Here are some unusual species of grasses and wild flowers that you can't see so often any more, for example, different bluebells and lilies- of-the-valley. Most of the park's territory is under forests, and the common trees here are pines and firs. 

As for the animals, there are about 300 species of them, mostly birds. They are forest birds and water birds like ducks and geese and even gulls. Here a visitor can see mice, squirrels, foxes, hares, otters, wild boars, deer and elks which gave the name to the park. There are not so many elks living in the park now, only 20 or 30, but the scientists hope to see more of these beautiful and strong animals in the park in the future.