Предмет: Геометрия, автор: sosich1234kok




Автор ответа: DryxBansan

Відповідь: 1) 30

                   2) 7см


1)кут МАС = 30 градусів тому що в рівносторонньому трикутнику 60 градусів кут а медіана ділить його пополам і виходить 30 градусів

2) 7см тому що АСМ прямокутний трикутник в якому є катет 30 градусів і за цією теоремою Від М до АС 7см

Аноним: АС=14*2=28
Аноним: Да, все правильно, извините.
DryxBansan: А ви адмін? Часто Вас бачу після своїх відповідей))
Аноним: Нет.
Автор ответа: esmilya

Если понравилось решение - нажимай "спасибо" и "лучший" (рядом с кнопкой "спасибо")   :)


esmilya: В равностороннем треугольнике медиана является и биссектрисой (свойство равнобедренного треугольника)
На против угла в 30 градусов лежит катет равный половине гипотенузы (14:2=7)
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Помогите позязяяя
Jenny has got two brothers, Richard and Don. Richard is thirteen and Don is sixteen. Many girls in her class think it's great to have big brothers. But Jenny thinks Richard is a pest. He is very unfair. He says she can't watch TV late in the evening and she can't play on his computer when he's not at home. And he calls her "Baby"!
Don is really nice. At weekends he plays table tennis with her. So etimes he buys ice cream or chewing gum for her.
Jenny would like to have an elder sister. She thinks it would be great going shopping with her. And she would help her with her homework.
Benny has got a sister Laura. Laura is sixteen. Benny likes her and she likes him. When she has no homework, she plays cards with him. But not at weekends. Then she goes out with her friends.
Benny's best friend is Phil. He sits next to Benny at school. He has no brothers or sisters, but he has two lovely dods. In the afternoon he often goes to the park with him. There they can run and play.
Janet is the girl Benny likes best. She lives nextdoor. She has an elder sister. Her name's Emily. And she has three younger brothers. They always make a lot of noiser. So Janet often comes to his place to watch TV or play games

Mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS)

1 Richard and Don are twins
2 Jenny likes her brothers
3 Richard doesn't let Jenny stay up late at night
4 At weekends Don plays on his computer
5 Jenny would like to have a cousin
6 At weekends Laura plays with Benny
7 Phill has three lovely cats
8 Phill's dogs can run and play
9 Emily is Janet's younger sister
10 In her free time Janet does some sports
Предмет: Математика, автор: morkovka212