Предмет: Информатика,
автор: pnvmax
Сделать на структурах
На предприятии необходимо хранить данные о работниках: фамилию, имя, отчество, дата рождения, должность, стаж. Вывести на экран данные о тех работников, которые на текущий момент времени достигли 37 лет и имеют стаж не менее 10 лет.
Автор ответа:
- #include <iostream>
- #include <utility>
- #include <vector>
- #include <list>
- #include <ctime>
- #include <string>
- namespace business {
- using namespace std;
- struct Date {
- int day;
- int month;
- int year;
- Date() = default;
- Date(int _day, int _month, int _year) : day(_day), month(_month), year(_year) {}
- explicit Date(tm date) {
- day = date.tm_mday;
- month = date.tm_mon;
- year = date.tm_year;
- }
- ~Date() = default;
- Date operator- (Date& date) const {
- Date diff{};
- diff.year = year;
- diff.month = month;
- diff.day = day;
- diff.day -= date.day;
- if (diff.day <= 0) {
- diff.day = 31 - diff.day;
- diff.month -= 1;
- }
- diff.month -= date.month;
- if (diff.month <= 0) {
- diff.month = 12 - diff.month;
- diff.year -= 1;
- }
- diff.year -= date.year;
- return diff;
- }
- };
- struct Worker {
- string fio;
- Date birthday{};
- string job;
- int stage{};
- Worker() = default;
- Worker(string fio, Date birthday, string job, int stage){
- this->fio = move(fio);
- this->birthday = birthday;
- this->job = move(job);
- this->stage = stage;
- }
- ~Worker() = default;
- };
- struct Business {
- private:
- vector<Worker> workers;
- public:
- Business() = default;
- ~Business() = default;
- void AddWorker(const Worker& worker) {
- workers.push_back(worker);
- }
- vector<Worker> const& GetWorkers() const {
- return workers;
- }
- };
- struct BusinessManager {
- private:
- Business business;
- public:
- BusinessManager() {
- business = Business();
- }
- ~BusinessManager() = default;
- void AddWorker() {
- auto worker = Worker();
- cout << "Enter FIO: ";
- while(worker.fio.empty()) getline(cin, worker.fio);
- Date birthday{};
- cout << "Enter birthday (Day Month Year): ";
- cin >> birthday.day >> birthday.month >> birthday.year;
- worker.birthday = birthday;
- cout << "Enter job's name: ";
- while (worker.job.empty()) getline(cin, worker.job);
- cout << "Enter stage (unsig int numb): ";
- cin >> worker.stage;
- business.AddWorker(worker);
- }
- void FindWorkers() {
- auto workers = business.GetWorkers();
- Date today(7, 5, 2021);
- std::vector<std::vector<Worker>::const_iterator> matches;
- for (auto justWorker = workers.begin(); justWorker != workers.end(); ++justWorker){
- if ((today - justWorker->birthday).year >= 37 && justWorker->stage >= 10) {
- matches.emplace_back(justWorker);
- }
- }
- for (auto & worker : matches) {
- auto buff = *worker;
- cout << "FIO: " << buff.fio << endl
- << "Birthday: " << buff.birthday.day << "." << buff.birthday.month << "." << buff.birthday.year << endl
- << "Job's title: " << buff.job << endl
- << "Stage: " << buff.stage << endl << endl;
- }
- }
- };
- }
- int main () {
- using namespace business;
- BusinessManager manager;
- bool isStillRunning = true;
- while (isStillRunning) {
- cout << "[1] Add worker into company" << endl;
- cout << "[2] Find workers with age >= 37 and stage >= 10" << endl;
- cout << "[0] Exit" << endl;
- cout << "Your decision >> ";
- int decision = -1;
- cin >> decision;
- cout << endl;
- switch (decision) {
- case 0: isStillRunning = false; break;
- case 1: manager.AddWorker(); break;
- case 2: manager.FindWorkers(); break;
- default: cout << "[Warning] You enter some trash!" << endl << endl; continue;
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
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