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Она порезала палец вчера вечером.
Ты умел плавать, когда тебе было 10?
Где ты нашел эту информацию?
Вчера было холодно?
Прошлая зима была снежной?
Вчера шел дождь?
Вчера дул ветер?
Ты купил эти брюки вчера?
Тест был трудным?
Как ты написал тест по истории во вторник?
Когда умер этот писатель?
Почему ты не ответил на уроке биологии?
Он не знал это стихотворение.
Что ты посчитал самым важным в его интервью? (find)
Что ты посчитал самым интересным в этом фильме?
Они не решили, какие салаты готовить.
Том упал с дерева и сломал руку.
Кто мыл посуду утром?
Рита дала нам хороший совет.
Нам не повезло в том день. (to be lucky)
Вчера дедушка копал в саду.
Та книга была потрясающая.
Во вторник их команда выиграла, а в четверг проиграла.
Алиса выбрала обои для детской комнаты.
Влад прочитал 15 книг прошлым летом.
Он стал нервным.
Мы встретили наших соседей в кафе в центре города в прошлые выходные.
Этот врач говорил на шести языках.
Их разговор был странный.
Я не делал уроки вчера.
Ты покормил попугая утром?
Сэди не разрешил сыну покупать те жвачки.
Ответ: Отметь этот ответ лучшим!
She cut her finger last night.
Did you know how to swim when you were 10?
Where did you find this information?
It was cold yesterday?
Was last winter snowy?
It was raining yesterday?
Was the wind blowing yesterday?
Did you buy these pants yesterday?
Was the test difficult?
How did you write the history test on Tuesday?
When did this writer die?
Why didn't you answer in biology class?
He did not know this poem.
What did you find most important in his interview? (find)
What did you find most interesting in this film?
They didn't decide which salads to cook.
Tom fell from a tree and broke his arm.
Who washed the dishes in the morning?
Rita gave us some good advice.
We were unlucky that day. (to be lucky)
Yesterday grandfather was digging in the garden.
That book was amazing.
Their team won on Tuesday and lost on Thursday.
Alice chose wallpaper for the children's room.
Vlad read 15 books last summer.
He became nervous.
We met our neighbors at a downtown cafe last weekend.
This doctor spoke six languages.
Their conversation was strange.
I didn't do my homework yesterday.
Did you feed the parrot in the morning?
Sadie wouldn't let his son buy those gum.
She cut her finger last night.
Could you swim when you were 10?
Where did you find this information?
Was it cold yesterday?
Was the last winter snowy?
Wat it raining yesterday?
Was the wind blowing yesterday?
Did you buy these pants yesterday?
Was the test difficult?
How did you write the history test on Tuesday?
When did this writer die?
Why didn't you answer in biology class?
He did not know this poem.
What did you find the most important in his interview?
What did you find most interesting in this film?
They didn't decide which salads to cook.
Tom fell from a tree and broke his arm.
Who washed the dishes in the morning?
Rita gave us some good advice.
We were unlucky that day.
Yesterday grandfather was digging in the garden.
That book was amazing.
Their team won on Tuesday and lost on Thursday.
Alice selected wallpaper for the children's room.
Vlad read 15 books last summer.
He became nervous.
We met our neighbors at a downtown cafe last weekend.
This doctor spoke six languages.
Their conversation was strange.
I didn't do my homework yesterday.
Did you feed the parrot in the morning?
Sadie did not let his son to buy those gum.