причини відвідати Україну
- восхитица цветущими каштанами
- насладица Карпатами
- обалдеть что во Львове можно говорить на русском
- привести себе настоящую вышиванку
- попасть на украинскую свадьбу
- понять что украинская кухня лучшая в мире
- навсегда влюбиться в украинцев
Looking for a country to visit? Ukraine will be the best choice you can do!
There are 5 reasons to visit Ukraine:
1. The nature is unique. In Ukraine you can see everything! From Carpathian mountains to Kherson deserts.
2. The country is very cheap for tourists: the middle salary per mounth - 450 USD
3. Have you ever seen Ukrainian wedding? If you have a chance you must be there! Ukrainian embroidered shirts "vyshyvanka", traditional borsch and dances!
4. Forever fall in love to Ukrainians! Our people is incredibly generous and open. There is no space for racism.
5. Ukraininan traditional food is on of the best in the world! Vareneky, borsch and sure salo.
Bonus: it`s Covid-19 pandemic in the world and in Ukraine the restrictions are not as strict as in other countries.