.Написати есе на тему Моє улюблене місто у світі.Не меньше 10 речень на англійській мові
ТЕРМІНОВО !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every happy person has their favorite city. There is a favorite city not because they are happy, but happy because they have it.
Most often, a favorite city, town, region is the place where a person was born or spent a lot of time.
Often The favorite city is called the one where a person's childhood passed, because it is with childhood, if it, of course, was not difficult, most people have the best memories. No matter how old a person is, he always remembers some moments from his childhood, and with them the places where they took place, that is, in a favorite city. And this city does not necessarily have to be the capital, a millionaire city or any other "bump". It can be a quiet, deserted town and at the same time be your favorite city, as it is associated with many pleasant experiences.