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A Dog's Way Home
Plot: During a walk, a guy named Lucas finds an adorable homeless puppy and, taking pity on the poor fellow, decides to take him home. The foundling, who was named Bella, was extremely liked by the household, although he involuntarily changed his usual way - sometimes, of course, there were scattered toys and gnawed shoes, but with her appearance, joy came to the family, like from a playful little child. Having matured, the dog began to help the owner in his work - the young man took her to a rehabilitation center, where she, as best she could, tried to console and entertain people in trouble, making them smile and forget about their own misfortunes, pain and injuries. Once, when Lucas was at work, Bella saw a squirrel on the window, chasing her, did not notice how carried away and lost her way. Lucas found her, but Bella was still taken to the orphanage. If Bella was re-caught, she would be put to sleep, so Lucas made the decision to move to another city. He gave the dog to his girlfriend's aunt until he found a home in this city. But Bella was very bored and felt that the person she loved was sad, sad and believed in her return. So she ran away. A devoted beast has a long way to go, to be on the verge of death, to save human life and make new comrades among the representatives of the animal world. Good people wanted to shelter her, but she understood that she had to go, no matter how long and dangerous her journey might seem.
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