Предмет: Русский язык, автор: далсщ638

Замените общим синонимом "манера, походка, лицо"

Filka7: Одним словом три слова?
далсщ638: да, можно словосочетанием


Автор ответа: Аноним
Индивидуальность,поскольку манеры,походка и лицо у каждого человека индивидуальны и составляют образ,то есть как выглядит индивид .
Получается,что образ,индивидуальность-это ответ на вопрос.

далсщ638: спасибо большое)
Аноним: Есть понятие-имидж.Это как раз какие у человека манеры,как он ходит,как выглядит,ведёт.Но это не русское слово и его употребляют во многих значениях.
Автор ответа: Filka7
Интелегентность ( человек должен быть с прямой походкой, чистым лицом, с при личными манерами ).
Похожие вопросы
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A1. Find the unnecessary word.

1) conclusion 2) shopping 3) encyclopedia 4) thriller 5) handbook 6) title 7)headline 8) description

A2. Match the cities to the countries they are located in.

1) Wellington a) New Zealand

2) Bombay b) Czech Republic

3) Bangkok c) India

4) Prague d) Thailand

A3. Choose the appropriate verb.

I think that she will not … to pass her exam.

1) prove 2) quit 3) manage 4) book

A4. Match the expressions to the right translation.

1) quit working a) доказать мужество

2) it proved to be easy b) управлять компанией

3) manage the company c) прекратить работать

4) prove courage d) это оказалось просто

A5. Mark the word that means job.

1) scandal 2) soap 3) documentary 4) producer

A6. Choose the appropriate word.

… busy I am, I visit my granny twice a week.

1) Whenever 2) However 3) Whoever 4) Wherever

A7. Choose the right variant of the sentence in reported speech.

1) He says, “You are right.”
a) he says that I am right
b) he says which I right
c) he says I was right
d) he said I are right

2) He asked her, “Do you speak English?”
a) he asked her if she have spoke English
b) he asked her if she speaks English
c) he asked her if she had spoke English
d) he asked her if she spoke English

3) “Don’t talk with me,” she said to me.
a) she told me not to talk with her
b) she told me to not talk with her
c) she told me not to talk with me
d) she told me do not to talk with her

A8. Put in that, which or who.

1) The book _____ we are speaking about was written by Stephen King.

2) He sent me an answer _____ was very short.

A9. Make the sentence using the following words.


A10. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

The (new/ news) is shocking.

We have much (snow/ snows) in winter.
Предмет: Химия, автор: aldikcom