Write the story "The most exciting holiday
of my life"(100-120 words)
Use the words that join similar ideas: and
refer to time: when, as,as soon as,
join contrasting ideas: but
show consequence :so
Paragraph 1:When/Where did the story
start?Who was/were the main characters?
How did they feel?
Paragraphs 2-3: What happened?(events in
the order they happened)
Paragraph 3: What happened in the end?
How did you feel?
Напишите рассказ "Самый волнующий праздник
в моей жизни"(100-120 слов)
Используйте слова, которые соединяют сходные идеи: и
ссылаются на время: когда,как, как только,
соединяют противоположные идеи: но
показывают последствия :так
Параграф 1:Когда/где
началась эта история?Кто был/были главными героями?
Как они себя чувствовали?
Пункты 2-3: Что произошло?(события в
том порядке, в котором они произошли)
Параграф 3: Что произошло в итоге?
Как вы себя чувствовали?
I spent my last summer holiday very interesting, because I was abroad first time in my life! I was in Croatia on a camp. We were going there almost 24 hours, so we were very tried. We arrived to Pula at 7 o’clock in the morning. Next day I was eyewitness of a terrible incident.
I went with my friends to the beach. There were a lot of people, because it was Saturday and more over children had a summer holiday. After eating ice-cream at cafe we went to the swimming pool. Suddenly we saw that one girl, with a beautiful long hair, disappeared under the water. After a few seconds it was clear that something bad happened. Surprised people only stayed, and with consternation looked under the water. Suddenly one young man jumped to the water and helped her. It is terrible that people don’t know what to do in such situations.
Although this event, all camp was wonderful. We stayed in a modern rest-house facing the sea, so all days we spent on the beach. We swam, roamed, along the beach, and got tanned. It was great time for us, because the weather was beautiful from beginning to end. I think, that is also great experience for me. I have learnt a lot. I realized that we all should know what to do when life is on the line, and how to help other people in dangerous situations.