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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Sunny20
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In common with other animals we are born with an instinct of curiosity. It provides the incentive for the young to discover the world in which they live.
The curiosity of the scientist is usually directed toward seeking an understanding of things or relationships, which, he notices, have no satisfactory explanation. Explanations usually consist in connecting new observations or ideas to accepted facts or ideas. An explanation may be the generalization, which ties together a bundle of data into an orderly whole that can be connected up with current knowledge and beliefs. The student attracted to research is usually one who retains more curiosity than usual.
We have seen that the stimulus to the production of ideas is the awareness of the present unsatisfactory state of knowledge. People with no curiosity seldom get this stimulus, for one usually becomes aware of the problem by asking why or how some process works, or some thing takes the form that it does. That a question is a stimulus is demonstrated by the fact that when someone asks a question, it requires an effort to restrain oneself from responding.
Asking "why" is a useful stimulus toward imagining what the cause or purpose may be. "How" is also a useful question in provoking thought about the mechanism of a process.
There is no satisfying the scientist’s curiosity, for with each advance we reach a higher level from which a wider field of vision is open to us, and from which we can see the events previously out of range.
1. Can accepted facts or ideas be always true?
2. If we took accepted facts and ideas for granted, wouldn't it slow down scientific progress?
3. How is the word "explanation" defined in the text?
4. What arouses the curiosity of a scientist or a scholar?
5. Can the curiosity of a scientist be ever satisfied?
6. How can you describe the process of cognition?
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