Write five sentences about things that are different today and a hundred years ago. Today there are a lot of mobile phones. There weren't any mobile phones a hundred years ago.

Today there are a lot of sportcars. There weren't any sportcars a hundred years ago.
Today there are a lot of laptops. There weren't any laptops a hundred years ago.
Today there are a lot of skyscrapers. There weren't any skyscrapers a hundred years ago.
Today there are a lot of online schools. There weren't any online schools a hundred years ago.
Today there are a lot of websites. There weren't any websites a hundred years ago.
1)Today we can order various things, items, etc. via the Internet.
and a hundred years ago, people moved on foot / on horseback
2) today we can fly planes and ride trains
and a hundred years ago, people moved on foot / on horseback
3)today we are building a house with special machines
and a hundred years ago, people built houses by hand
4)today we go to school and get an education
and a hundred years ago there were no schools
5)today we live in a bright world
and a hundred years ago there were many wars, battles, etc.