Твір на тему: A healthy lifestyle. The ways to reach it
A healthy lifestyle is, above all, maintaining a balance between active movement and rest. As for food, it is the exclusion of food waste from the diet, which includes fast food, sweet sodas, chips and more. As well as a complete ban on smoking, alcohol and drugs.
What exactly is meant by a healthy diet? This is, firstly, adherence to a diet (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner). Secondly, this is when there are foods on the table that contain enough carbohydrates, proteins and fats, because these substances are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Preference should be given to fruits, vegetables, greens, dairy products, meat, fish, cheese, nuts.
вот так как то
A healthy lifestyle is not just a set of health measures, but the state of the human soul, its philosophy of life. The main elements of a healthy lifestyle are: the right mode of work and rest; proper nutrition; regulated daily routine; active pastime; sport activities; to give up bad habits. To be healthy and develop harmoniously, do not forget that health is holistic. So you not only have to exercise and play sports. It is equally important to develop intellectual and creative abilities, thinking, imagination, willpower, to improve character traits. Mental and spiritual, physical health and social well-being are interrelated. Mental and spiritual health • Improving character traits • Developing intellectual abilities • Ability to overcome difficulties • Ability to make informed decisions • Managing emotions Social well-being • Confident behavior • Friendly communication • Adherence to daily routine • Successful learning • Sincere friendship Physical health • physical culture or sports • Nutrition • Adequate rest • Observance of hygiene rules Integrity of health.