Предмет: Биология, автор: RasPlay123

2)Куда направлена это сила?



Автор ответа: lolkek22850


1. Сила давления

2. Сила направлена на жидкость, находящуюся в колбе

ggalihanovva2010: Спасибо!!
feechkawinks78: Привет Расул
RasPlay123: привет
RasPlay123: феечка винкс, ХПХАХАА
feechkawinks78: ХАХАХПХАХАХПХ
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feechkawinks78: ага
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: zaazaazaaa
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1.In a welfare state you don’t have to be poor in order to receive your pension or your dole money or your child benefit. This blanket distribution of benefits should be modified. Only those people who really need benefits should get them. There are some other problems.
•Some people who are entitled to various benefits do not receive them, because they don’t understand the complicated system and they are not able to fill in all the forms.
•Some other people do not know what they are entitled to receive. The poor simply don’t know about their rights to receive particular benefits and sometime don’t claim them.
•Others may be too proud to apply, so they refuse to accept help.
(1.What is one of the most important disadvantages of the welfare state according to? 2. What does he suggest? 3. Do all people who are entitled to benefits receive them?)
Дополнен 7 лет назад
2.I think the welfare state is ineffective. First of all, it is a waste of money. Besides, it is not selective! What else? The provision of benefits weakens the family. If there was less provision by the state, families would have to cape and this would make the family stronger. Above all, the provision of benefits deprives individuals of their desire to look after themselves. There is no need to help the unemployed or the homeless. They are to be guilty for their being unemployed and homeless and nobody else. People should be responsible for what they do and have. I personally believe that anyone who is willing to work can find a job. (1. Why is against the welfare state? 2. What are the main disadvantages of this system? 3. Where should people get help from according to?)
Дополнен 7 лет назад
3.In the welfare state, most benefits are available to everybody who is entitled to them and it’s very good.
In the welfare state, nobody is allowed to live in poverty.
Everybody is to have proper health care and education regardless of their income.
The welfare state helps the disabled, people who are unable to work to earn money on their own.
The welfare state system provides the elderly with an income that allows them to live some degree of dignity.
Without financial help, many people would have been reduced to begging. (1. Why is for the welfare state? Who does the welfare state help? 2. What benefits for exactly? 3. What would happen in case people didn’t get their benefits?)