не большое эссе на тему 1 мая срочнооо на английском ящыке
The first of May is the Day of Spring and Labor. Every year a large number of people come to this holiday: women, men, children and old people. This holiday unites everyone, gives a joyful mood and brings happiness to our lives. May 1st is a special day for each of us. People take to the streets to enjoy the festive atmosphere. Now this celebration is taking place somewhat differently than before. The first of May is the day of spring and labor. Our grandparents did a lot to make us happy about this day, and it seems that nature also feels this atmosphere. The scent of flowering trees reigns everywhere. A warm breeze sways the newly emerged grass. The floral scent seemed to spread in the air. All living things rejoice in this holiday: a ladybug that flew in the warmth of the sun, birds fluttering over the heads of passers-by, bumblebees flying after flower nectar. When you go out into the street, you see crowds of happy people. Everyone is happy with the arrival of warmth, the sun and real spring. They are dressed in light walking clothes, as if they were going on a picnic. The whole city is decorated with bright flags and festive little things. Children are given free ice cream, and they happily run for a new portion. Young families are walking in the parks. Children play on the playgrounds. Elderly people are sitting on the benches, they are proudly watching what is happening. It seems that they are so calm and well that they are ready to admire this picture all day. The whole city is shrouded in celebration.