Reported Speech
The prince said, "I will marry you, Anna
Mary snid, "I have been living in Moscow for ten year
What are you doing? asked his daughter
"It takes me 10 minutes to cook salad, Alice", said my elder sister,
Angela said, "Don't be too inte today, Laura.
"Have you seen Kim?" Sarah asked David.
"My best friend was from California", Kate said.
"Can you pick me after school?" Kate asked her mother,
"Dogs are very clever animals", said Olga.
"Where were you?" Barbara asked him.
Mark said, "Take some medicine, Henry. Doctor prescribed you it yesterday
"Do you like my new dress?" she asked her friend.
It's too cold to go skiing", said father.
"You can watch it after the test, children", said the teacher.
"Tom and Karen have bought a house in the countryside, " Mary said to us.
She said, "I am sure he will ring me up when he is back in London.
When will you return?" Mary asked him.
"Can you pick me after school?" Kate asked her mother.
" Explain me how to solve this problem, " my friend to me.
"Don't go to this shop very often, " they said to me.
My friend asked me, "Have you ever been to the Tretyakov Gallery?"
He asked Sue, "Why did you say that to me?"
"Where is China located?" he asked the boy.
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The prince said that he would marry Anna
Mary said that she had been living in Moscow for ten years
His daughter asked what he was doing.
My elder sister said to me that it took her 10 minutes to cook salad.
Angela told Laura not to be too late today.
Sarah asked David if he had ever seen Kim.
Kate said that her best friend had been/was from California (можно и так, и так)
Kate asked her mother if she could pick her after school
Olga said that dogs are/were very clever animals (склоняюсь больше к первому варианту, так как здесь указывается конкретный факт)
Barbara asked him where he was.
Mark told Henry to take some medicine
She asked her friend if she liked her new dress.
Father said that it was too cold to go skiing
The teacher told children that they could watch it after the test.
Mary said to us that Tom and Karen had bought a house in the countryside.
She said that she was sure he would ring her up when he is back in London. (?)
Mary asked him when he would return.
Kate asked her mother if she could pick her after school.
My friend asked me to explain her how to solve that problem.
They said to me not to go to that shop very often.
My friend asked me if I had ever been to the Tretyakov Gallery.
He asked Sue why she had said that to him.
He asked the boy where China was located.