Предмет: Английский язык, автор: OtvetIliBan

Установите соответствие между текстами A–E и их темами, выбрав тему 1–6
из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема
This text deals with …
1) the country’s history.
2) the country’s geography.
3) the country’s famous animals.
4) the country’s transport.
5) the country’s famous people.
6) the country’s traditional food.
A) Newfoundland and Labrador is a province in the East of Canada. It includes the
island of Newfoundland and a region on the mainland of North America called
Labrador. St. John’s, the capital of this Canadian province, is located on
Newfoundland island. Both Labrador and Newfoundland are washed by the
Atlantic Ocean and have mountains.
B) The first Europeans to visit Labrador were the Vikings. Then, in 1497 the
Italian explorer John Cabot landed somewhere in Newfoundland and Labrador
and described the place as the “new found land”. England, France and Portugal
fought for this land, but by the 1700s Newfoundland belonged to England. In
1949 it became the tenth Canadian province.
C) When John Cabot landed on Newfoundland’s coast, he was surprised to see
that the waters around the island were full of fish. This is one of the reasons
why people in this province enjoy eating a lot of fish. Fishcakes, salted cod and
Fish ‘n Brewis are just some of the fish dishes that local people have been
eating for centuries.
D) When foreigners hear the name of this province, they often think of the dog
breeds of the same name – Newfoundland and Labrador. Both dogs originated
in these lands and both were used by fishermen. The huge Newfoundland dogs
are excellent swimmers and often save their owners in the dangerous waters of
the Atlantic. The English poet Lord Byron owned such a dog.
Английский язык. 7 класс. Вариант АЯ2070101 4
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E) Because of the province’s specific geography, the easiest way to get there is
either by plane or by boat. Before airplanes were invented, Newfoundland was
a communications centre. Most ships travelling across the Atlantic to Canada
from Europe arrived there first. It is also the shortest flight across the Atlantic.
The first transatlantic flight was made from St. John’s to Ireland.


Автор ответа: ogannang


Задание 4 № 1614

Уста­но­ви­те со­от­вет­ствие между тек­ста­ми A — E и их те­ма­ми, вы­брав тему 1 — 6 из спис­ка. Ис­поль­зуй­те каж­дую тему толь­ко один раз. В за­да­нии одна тема лиш­няя.

This text deals with …

1) the country’s strange tradition.

2) the country’s geography.

3) the country’s famous people.

4) the country’s history.

5) the country’s traditional food.

6) the country’s animals.

A) Iceland is a country quite unique in many ways. Located in the Arctic Region of Northern Europe, it is covered by ice, more than 20 active volcanos, glaciers and geysers. Even though located in the north, Iceland is warmed by the Gulf Stream, and so the winter temperatures seldom drop below minus 10 degrees Centigrade,

while in the summer they stay around plus 10.

B) Iceland was discovered by the Vikings in the 870s AD. Scandinavian people from Norway, Denmark and Sweden were the first to settle in Iceland. Soon they were followed by the Celts who came over from Scotland and Ireland. For centuries Iceland was part of some other kingdom — Norway or Denmark, and only in 1918 did it become an independent country.

C) When Iceland was first discovered by the Vikings, there was only one land mammal living there — the Arctic fox. Europeans brought sheep, chickens, horses and goats to Iceland. Now there are also mice, rats, rabbits and reindeer. Sometimes, polar bears visit Iceland. They usually arrive from Greenland on icebergs!

D) Icelanders don’t have family names or surnames. Instead of the family name they use their father’s name to which they add “sdottir” — “daughter of” or “sson” — “son of”. So if the father is called Jon, and his daughter’s given name is Eva, her full name would be Eva Jonsdottir. If Jon has a son whose name is Adam, it would be Adam Jonsson.

E) There are at least two people from Iceland who are very well-known around the world. The first one of them is Leif Erikson who was the first European explorer to discover America — long before Christopher Columbus! The other one is Björk, a popular singer and actress of today.

За­пи­ши­те в таб­ли­цу вы­бран­ные цифры под со­от­вет­ству­ю­щи­ми бук­ва­ми.



A. Located in the Arctic Region of Northern Europe, it is covered by ice, more than 20 active volcanos, glaciers and geysers.

B. Iceland was discovered by the Vikings in the 870s AD. Scandinavian people from Norway, Denmark and Sweden were the first to settle in Iceland.

C. there was only one land mammal living there — the Arctic fox. Europeans brought sheep, chickens, horses and goats to Iceland.

D. Icelanders don’t have family names or surnames. Instead of the family name they use their father’s name to which they add “sdottir” — “daughter of” or “sson” — “son of”.

E. The first one of them is Leif Erikson who was the first European explorer to discover America — long before Christopher Columbus! The other one is Björk, a popular singer and actress of today.

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