Complete the senteces with the present continuos
Ответ:2. You are not playing....
3.Kate and Tom are not doing....
4.Agnes is writing.....
5.Judith is sitting....
6.I am making a cake
7.It is not snowing now
8.Shella is not running ....
9.You are sitting...
10.Mum is working...
Объяснение: Present Continuous это длительное настоящее время, которое происходит в момент речи или обособленно точным временем или обстоятельством, которое выражает длительнось в настоящий период. Слова-маркеры для точного определения этого же времени и не перепутать с другими это now, at the moment, at present. Образуется добавлением после подлежащего глагола to be ( am,is,are) и добавлением после глагола оканчания -ing
2. You aren't playing very well this morning.
3. Kate and Tina aren't doing their homework at the moment.
4. Agnes is writing on e-mail now.
5. Judith and I are sitting at the bus stop.
6. I am not making a cake for the party.
7. It isn't snowing now.
8. Sheila isn't running very quickly.
9. You are sitting in my chair!
10. My mum isn't working at the moment.