Use the table to ask and answer the questions as in the example.

Ответ: Has Nancy ever won a competition?-Yes, she has.
Has Nancy ever drove a car?-Yes, she has.
Have Ron and Bill ever jumped with parachute?-Yes, they have.
Have Ron and Bill ever visited New York?-Yes, they have.
Have Ron and Bill ever won a competition?-No, they haven't.
Have Ron and Bill ever drove a car?-Yes, they have.
Ну и вопросы про тебя)
Have you ever jumped with parachute?-Yes, I have/No, I haven't.
(Ты когда то прыгала с парашютом? Да/Нет)
Have you ever visited New York?-Yes, I have/No, I haven't.
(Ты когда то бывала в Нью-Йорке? Да/Нет)
Have you ever won a competition? Yes, I have/No, I haven't.
(Ты когда то выигрывала турнир/соревнование/конкурс? Да/Нет)
Have you ever drove a car?-Yes, I have/No, I haven't.
(Ты когда то водила машину? Да/Нет)
Фух, ну вроде бы всё)
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