Виправити граматичні помилки в словах виділених жирним шрифтом
1)Everyday I wake up at 6 o`clock, eat breakfast at 7 o`clock and leave for school at 8 o`clock. 2)When my friend called last night, I was watching my favourite quiz show on TV. 3)Kellie goes abroad almost every summer. She has visited more than ten countries so far. Next year she will go to Brasil. 4)Thomas is an author. Altogether, he wrote five novels, three collection of short stories and a book of poetry.
5)Sam was trying to change a light bulb when he slipped and fell on the floor. 6)I`m pretty sure you'll pass your English test successfully, don`t worry!
1. Present Simple - регулярность действия и at 7 o'clock 2. грамматическое клише: When Past Simple(last night), Past Cont. 3. Present Simple - регулярность + almost every summer; Present Perfect - прошлое, но связь с настоящим + so far; Future Simple - будущее и next year 4. Past Simple - обобщение в прошлом + altogether 5. грамматическое клише, как во 2-ом случае 6. Предположение о будущем в момент разговора - Future Simple