Use Past Simple or Present Perfect:
Helen ever
(try) sushi?
(go) to the wedding last night?
3. I
Ibe) to Paris.
4. This year I
(travel) to Athens 3 times so far.
5. Paul and Judith
(be) married since 1998.
(finish) your homework yet?
7. Last night aunt Betty
1.(come) by. She
us that this summer they are going to Hawaii.
8. I
(visit) many different countries so far. Last
summer I
(90) to Italy and 3 years ago I
(be) in Spain. I
(not/visit) Germany
9. When
(come) to Greece?
10. I
(come) in 2007
(watch) the film E.T. yesterday?
(leave) the train station.
13. How long
(know) Jonathan?
14. I
(meet) him in 2009. so I
(know) him
for 3 years
15. What
(happen) to Lucy last night?
(read) "Harry Potter" when you were on
12. They
1. Has Helen ever tried sushi?
2. Did you go to the wedding last night?
3. I have never been to Paris.
4. This year I have travelled to Athens 3 times so far.
5. Paul and Judith have been married since 1998.
6. Have you finished your homework yet?
7. Last night aunt Betty came by. She told us that this summer they are going to Hawaii.
8. I have visited many different countries so far. Last summer I went to Italy and 3 years ago I was in Spain. I haven't visited Germany yet.
9. When did you come to Greece?
10. I came in 2007.
11. Did you watch the film E.T. yesterday?
12. They have already left the train station.
13. How long have you known Jonathan?
14. I met him in 2009, so I have known him for 3 years.
15. What happened to Lucy last night?
16. Have you read “Harry Potter” when you were on holidays?
Past Simple и Present Perfect обозначают события, которые произошли в прошлом, но Past Simple используется, когда мы говорим о законченном действии в прошлом, без какой-либо связи с настоящим, а Present Perfect используется, когда нас интересует результат действия в настоящем.
Past Simple используется со словами yesterday (вчера), two hours ago (два часа назад), last month (в прошлом месяце) и т. д., так как они указывают на период времени, который уже закончился.
Present Perfect — со словами today (сегодня), this week/month (на этой неделе / в этом месяце) т. д., так как они показывают период времени, который все еще продолжается.