Предмет: Английский язык, автор: shukenovaaiymzhan

Hometask: Write a short story about shopping. помагите​


Автор ответа: neda2004a



One warm sunny morning I was at the supermarket ready to purchase all the things my Mum told me to buy. I walked around and around and something did not feel right! I needed to go the Toilet! I raced around the shopping centre skidded around the corner and… WHAM! I bowled over the old man. Who knocked over a tower of canned Tuna. Suddenly the manager appeared demanding what happened. ‘Well…’ I started. Then the old grey haired man butted in. ‘He was running to fast and in my day little kids respected their elders. Then he added he needs a good smack on the backside if you ask me.’ ‘Looks like you need to apologise’. Says the manager. ‘Sorry.’ I mumbled. It was the only thing I could thing of. The old grey man spoke in a different language. ‘Now you can pick up all of the cans’. Says the manager. But I’m busting! I say. ‘Well you should of about that before running around knocking things down in the first place. The manager watched me pick up all the cans one by one. I could not believe how far they had rolled! Some rolled at least an aisle! After I finished picking up all the cans I was really busting! I ran up the escalator and saw the toilet sign! As I ran to the toilets I saw a sign saying the men’s room was closed for cleaning! I noticed the disabled toilet was open so I thought I would slip in while no one was looking.

I pushed the door open and it banged into something on the other side then I heard a big thud. I looked behind the door and… oh no! It was the old grey haired man again! Blood was gushing from a cut just above his eye. I shouted out ‘ha, ha, ha now I have my revenge’! He looked at me and replied saying ‘you’re in big trouble now. ‘Help, Help! This kid hit me and tried to rob me!’ I panicked, who would believe me that I just opened the door! I ran as fast as a could. I noticed out of the corner of my eye the security guards pointing at me.

As I ran, my heart was pounding and I thought about how I could get into trouble. Then I burst out of the shopping centre and jumped into a Saint Vincent De Paul’s bin. Just then I heard police sirens coming closer and closer! Lots of cops jumped out of their cars with dogs ready to catch me. Up in the sky there was a police helicopter. Ten seconds later a truck came, picked me up and drove away from the supermarket. I thought ‘so long suckers’! To this day, I wondered if they were still looking for me.

shukenovaaiymzhan: спс
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