Диалог на английском 20 реплик , тема спорт
-Hi Henry
-Hi Mike
-You look tired
-Yes,i’m just going with boxing training
- Is it cool,have you been doing this for a long time?
-3 years
-Are you going to the competition?
-Yes,recently there was an international tournament i took first place there?
-Great,congratulations to you
-Thank you,maybe you’re got something to do with it
-I recently started to go to basketball,and before that 4 years pf football
-Basketball is a very spectacular sport,i like to watch matches sometimes
-In adition,it is very compex,in terms of tecniques and moves
-There are about 1500 receptions in basketball,whitch makes it the most technical
-By the way,i started running in the morning
-You’re good Mike
-You too,i respect the people who play sports
-I’m in a hurry to meet Mike
-See Henry again