1.Answer the questions:
1.Where do you usually go on weekends?
2. Where did you go last weekends?
3. Where will you go in summer?
4.What places of interest have you already visited?
5. What are you doing now?
6. What are you going to do on holidays?
2.Answer the questions:
1.What is theю capital of our country?
2. Where is it situated?
3. What is the historical heart of the city?
4. What is the best place to buy Ukrainian souvenirs there?
5. What is St.Sophia`s Cathedral famous for?
6. When was the Golden Gate built?
1On weekend I usually go to the park if the weather is nice and warm.
2Last summer I went to visit my distant relatives in the village. We had a good time together.
3Next summer I want to visit Poland. I am interested in visiting historical sites and getting to know the local architecture.
4A few years ago I visited the Cathedral of St. Barbara, it was amazing.
5I am currently studying English
6During the holidays, I'm going to go to nature and enjoy the fresh air
1the capital of my country is Kiev
2Kiev is located in the Kiev region near the Dnieper river
3Starokievskaya Gora is the historical heart of Kiev
4there are many souvenir shops located near Taras Shevchenko Boulevard, where you can find a good ones
5St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev is one of the main symbols of Kiev. The cathedral was built in 1017-1031 in honor of the victory of Prince Yaroslav the Wise over the nomadic tribe of the Pechenegs.
6The Golden Gate was built from 1019 to 1026
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