розповідь на англійській про дві олюбленні телевізійні програми
Television plays a very important role in our life. It is a powerful sourse of entertainment and information, a door through which the whole world can enter our homes. There is virtually no family that does not have a TV set. Some people prefer to spend their free time watching light TV programmes while others prefer watching political and educational programmes. After the decrease of television censorship we can watch many really interesting programmes: informational, political, musical, educational, for children and for old people, sporting, and many different games. It is difficult to say what TV programmes one likes most of all. From the informational and political programmes I prefer "Night News" and "Podrobytsi", because in my opinion, they discuss different important events of our country and abroad.
Many people like such musical programmes as "Melorama", "Chance", and some others because music helps them to get though difficult times or to get over bad mood.
New programmes, such as "Dancing with the Stars" and "The First Million" are enjoyable and entertaining ones. Schoolchildren can learn better geography, zoology, and biology by watching regular TV programmes such as "The Traveller's Club" and "The World of Animals". Programmes such as "What? Where? When?" attract the attention of many people, too. It is rich in many facts taken from everyday life, history of the country, literature and science.