Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 1802book


If you only have a few days in London, there are some sights you should see.

The London Eye

The first must-see sight is the London Eye. This is a 135m high observation wheel on the banks of the River Thames. It was built for the millennium celebrations in 2000. On a clear day, you can see Windsor Castle, 40km away. You also get a fantastic view of central London. It's a good place to start for any trip.

Big Ben

On the other side of the river from the London Eye, there is one of the most famous sights in London - the clock tower. containing Big Ben, the bell that rings out the time above the Houses of Parliament. The and the parliament building often called the Palace of Westminster, are over 150 years old. You can visit both.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is another famous sight. It's the Queen's official London home with 775 rooms and 78 bathrooms. You can go into the palace during the summer and see the State Rooms, but whatever the time of year, it's interesting to see the guards outside and to take a walk up the Mall - the long
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Read the text. Answer the questions in writing.

1. Which two buildings have got royal connection? 2. What can you see from the top of the London Eye?

3. What is Big Ben?

4. Which part of Buckingham Palace can you visit? 5. What type of birds lives in the Tower of London?

6. What transport can you take to the Tower?

7. What is the Natural History Museum famous for?



Автор ответа: larafalkon4


1. Which two buildings have got royal connection?

???????? = нет этой части текста :(

2. What can you see from the top of the London Eye?

You can see a fantastic view of central London.  

3. What is Big Ben?

Big Ben is the bell that rings out the time above the Houses of Parliament.  

4. Which part of Buckingham Palace can you visit?

I can go into the palace during the summer and see the State Rooms.

5. What type of birds lives in the Tower of London?

Black crows live there.  

6. What transport can you take to the Tower?

You can get it by underground, train, boat or bus.  

7. What is the Natural History Museum famous for?

The first, it's a very beautiful building, the second, the museum is well- known for its dinosaur exhibition.


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