Предмет: Литература, автор: kjdhdcekdidbdf

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Весна-Красна спускается на Красную горку в сопровождении птиц. Весна-Красна:
Какие изобразительные средства использует автор в данном отрывке? Выпишите примеры.( по 3 примера на каждый троп) Каким образом изобразительные средства помогают понять идею произведения? Докажите примерами из отрывка (не менее 3).
Выразительные средства языка
Риторические вопросы и восклицания


Автор ответа: Пеппер

Метафоры: Нерадостно и холодно встречает/Весну свою угрюмая страна.

Олицетворения:    Солнце ревнивое на нас сердито смотрит / И хмурится на всех

Антитезы: немножко воли дай,  / А он и всю возьмет;  Оставить бы седого, Да вот беда, у нас со старым дочка

Риторические вопросы: Дрожите вы, бедняжки?

Риторические восклицания: Попляшите, согрейтесь!

Метафоры помогают понять  авторские оценки и эмоции, авторские характеристики предметов и явлений.

Олицетворения служат для создания ярких, выразительных и образных картин, усиления передаваемых мыслей и чувств.

Антитеза служит для выражения наглядности и логической последовательности.

Риторический вопрос и восклицание применяются для выделения, подчёркивания той или иной фразы.

tursunovdaniiar: спасибо брат от душы
darafirago: лучший..
slsssssssssl: а это правильно?
vremennyjakkaunt804: Господи, большое спасибо!!!
elubaevnurik87: да
rinalife: @привет
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Juliet: May I see that red hat you have on display in your window?

saleslady: Certainly, Madam.

J: I just adore this colour. I'd like to try it on. How is it supposed to be worn? Do I have it on right?

s: It should be worn a little more off the face. Push it back a little. That's it

J.: Oh that's perfect. I really like it. But I don't know what my husband will say if I buy another new hat. He's just paid the bill for one I bought last month.

s: The style of the hat is very good for you, l should say. It’s also a style that won't change. It'll stay in vogue for several years, I guess. So you can wear this hat next year just as well as this year, Madam

J.: Unfortunately that's exactly what I told Samuel about the last one I bought

S.: Oh, really? And what did your husband say?

J.: He said, it only meant that the hat would look just as ridiculous next year as this year. He also said I'd probably end up by not wearing it either year.

s: Husbands don't understand such things, do they?

J.: Of course, not! A man wears the same battered old hat year in and year out and he expects his wife to do the same thing... I think l'll take the hat. I don't really need it, but I can wear it nicely with several things I have now. It will also make a nice little dress hat for afternoon wear-don't you think so?

S.: It looks really stunning on you.

J.: Yes, the hat has very smart lines. Of course, it is a little expensive. My husband will consider it to cost a pretty penny. And he always economises.

S.: You might explain to your husband that all our hats are original creations. They are copies of Paris originals.

J.: I won't explain anything to him. It's just a waste of time to explain something to people who don't care about fashion. I'll just appear one day with the hat on, and that's all.

S.: And if you’re lucky, he may not even notice that it's a new hat.

J.: Hardly. You don't know my husband. He notices everything that causes additional expenses. But I don't pay much attention to what he says. My husband is a bore and I just take it easy...

s: I think, you are right, Madam. That's the only tactics of all clever wives. Shall I put the in a box for you to carry, or would you like us to send it to you?

J.: You'd better send it to me if you don't mind. I have some other shopping I want to do today.

s: By the way, how about something in a pocket book to go with your new hat, Madam?

J.: Goodness! That's right. I haven't thought about accessories. I don't have anything I can use with a red hat. My brown bag is already beginning to look shabby.

S.: If you step this way, you can look over our selection of handbags. Here is a very pretty red alligator bag. It is only forty dollars.

J.: It's very pretty, indeed. But I believe that's more than I ought to spend. I can't be too extravagant in one single day. I'd better wait. I can drop in again some other day... I presume it's all right if I pay you by check for that hat?

S: Certainly. Have you some identification with you?

J.: I have my driver's license. What was the exact amount of the hat, please?

S.: The hat was thirty-five dollars and the sales tax is a dollar and five cents. That amounts to thirty-six dollar and five cents in all.