Предмет: Английский язык, автор: irinasitnich13

ПОМОГИТЕ с сочинением по теме Киев на английском языке. Минимум 15 предложений. Очень буду благодарна вам​


Автор ответа: muhanbarbibinaz


Kiev is the capital of our country. It is the largest city in Ukraine. More than three million people live there. Kiev was founded more than 1500 years ago. It is the political, economic, industrial and cultural centre of our country.

There are many factories in Kiev. They make different products. In Kiev there are many museums, monuments, theatres, cinemas, libraries and palaces. Thousands of students study at Kiev-Mohila academy, at Kiev University, many institutes and colleges. Kiev is a large transport centre. Kiev metro is very beautiful.

Kiev is situated on the banks of the river Dnieper. The city is very green. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Ukraine. Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada, president and government are located in Kiev. Ambassadors of many countries live in the capital of Ukraine too. We are proud that our capital is one of the best and oldest cities in the world.

Khreschatyk is the main street in Kiev. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. You can see many cars and trolley buses on Khreschatyk. There are many big green trees in it. A lot of people go to Khreschatyk every day. Some of them go shopping because there are many good shops and big market there. Other people go to the cinema, look at the fountains or sit on the benches. In the evening many people walk in Khreschatyk. There you can see many bright lights. People like the main street of Kiev because it is nice and green.

Автор ответа: vernerelsa09


Ukraine has a long history and rich culture. That is why there are many places of interest there. It is natural that the capital of the country, Kyiv, has the greatest number of them.

It is one of the oldest cities in Europe. From time immemorial Kyiv has been the centre of Slavonic culture. There are many ancient cathedrals and churches, museums and monuments, beautiful streets and squares in it.

The main street of Kyiv is certainly Khreshchatyk. If you have never been to Kyiv you should start your sightseeing there. The street is only one kilometre long but it is very impressive.

Kyiv is famous for its Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra. More than 80 buildings were constructed on its territory during 900 years of the monastery’s existence.

Tourists always go to have a look at the monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky, the outstanding Ukrainian statesman and military leader.

There are many other places of interest in Kyiv. One of them is the State Historical Museum of Ukraine. There are more than 50,000 exhibits on display. The exposition tells us about the history of Ukraine and its culture from antiquity to the present days.

The Golden Gates, the Andreyevskaya Church, the monuments to Prince Volodymyr and Taras Shevchenko are worth seeing.

Kyiv Shevchenko Opera and Ballet House, Kyiv Ivan Franko Drama Theatre are well-known all over the country. Any place is interesting in its own way and visiting it we come to know and love this country more.



Укра­и­на име­ет дав­нюю исто­рию и бога­тую куль­ту­ру. Имен­но поэто­му здесь есть мно­го инте­рес­ных мест. Вполне есте­ствен­но, что сто­ли­ца стра­ны, Киев, име­ет наи­боль­шее чис­ло из них.

Это один из ста­рей­ших горо­дов в Евро­пе. С неза­па­мят­ных вре­мен Киев был цен­тром сла­вян­ской куль­ту­ры. В нем есть мно­го древ­них собо­ров и церк­вей, музеев и памят­ни­ков, кра­си­вых улиц и площадей.

Глав­ная ули­ца Кие­ва – Кре­ща­тик. Если вы нико­гда не были в Кие­ве, вы долж­ны начать осмотр досто­при­ме­ча­тель­но­стей отту­да. Ули­ца все­го один кило­метр дли­ной, но она очень впечатляет.

Киев сла­вит­ся Кие­во-Печер­ской Лав­рой. Более 80 стро­е­ний были постро­е­ны на ее тер­ри­то­рии в тече­ние 900 лет суще­ство­ва­ния монастыря.

Тури­сты все­гда смот­рят на памят­ник Бог­да­ну Хмель­ниц­ко­му, выда­ю­ще­му­ся укра­ин­ско­му госу­дар­ствен­но­му дея­те­лю и полководцу.

Есть мно­го дру­гих инте­рес­ных мест в Кие­ве. Одним из них явля­ет­ся Госу­дар­ствен­ный Исто­ри­че­ский музей Укра­и­ны. На выстав­ке есть более чем 50 000 экс­по­на­тов. Экс­по­зи­ция рас­ска­зы­ва­ет об исто­рии Укра­и­ны и ее куль­ту­ре с древ­ней­ших вре­мен до наших дней.

Золо­тые воро­та, Андре­ев­ская цер­ковь, памят­ни­ки кня­зю Вла­ди­ми­ру и Тара­су Шев­чен­ку тоже сто­ит посмотреть.

Киев­ский Театр Опе­ры и Бале­та име­ни Шев­чен­ко, Киев­ский дра­ма­ти­че­ский театр име­ни Ива­на Фран­ко хоро­шо извест­ны по всей стране. Любое место инте­рес­но по-сво­е­му и посе­щая его мы узна­ем и любим эту стра­ну еще больше.

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