биография про Владимира Мономаха на английском языке
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Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh - Prince of Smolensk, Chernigov, Pereyaslavsky, Grand Duke of Kiev, statesman, military leader, writer, thinker. The son of Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich.
полная биография
Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh (Old Russian Volodimir (-mѣr [1]) Monomakh; baptized Vasily; May 26, 1053 - May 19, 1125) - Prince of Smolensk (1073-1078) [2], Chernigov (1078-1094), Pereyaslavsky (1094-1113 ), Grand Duke (1113-1125), statesman, commander, writer, thinker. The son of Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich. Nicknamed Monomakh by the name of his mother, who was allegedly the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Constantine IX Monomakh.
In the Russian Orthodox Church he is venerated as a blessed prince in the Cathedral of All Saints Who Shone in the Russian Land (the second Sunday after Pentecost) [3] and in the Cathedral of Kiev Saints (July 15 (July 28)).
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