придумать 21 предложение с презент континиус) Должно быть в каждом 7 простых утвердительных предложений, 7 отрицательных и 7 вопросов
Olga is cooking salad. – Ольга готовит салат.
Tom is enjoying the evening and company. – Том наслаждается вечером и компанией.
I am speaking – Я говорю.
She is reading – Она читает.
We are sitting at the moment – В данный момент мы сидим.
We are walking - Мы гуляем.
I am having dinner. – Я ужинаю
Объяснение: только 7
1. Emma is reading an interesting about Harry Potter.
2. What kind of sport is Anfisa doing?
3. Fred and George aren`t doing their homework, they are play a computer game.
4. They are eating pizza and burgers in the cafe.
5. Are you baking a cake for guest?
6. I am not studing Biology, I am studing Chemestry at the moment.
7. Liza is chatting with her English friend.
8. Is she drinking eighth glass of water ?!
9. They aren`t speaking in English.
10. My mum is cooking delicios lunch for us.
11. Are they playing baseball now?
12. No, they aren`t play baseball now.
13. Germiona and Ginni are making love potion.
14. Is the teacher teaching math?
15. He isn`t having Algebra extra lesson because now he is having English extra lesson.
16. Amina is writing abstact about " Reactions of acides with metals" .
17. Is grandpa feeding his rabbits?
18. My brother isn`t cleaning his room.
19. Mark is lying on the bed with his phone.
20. Are you brushing your teeth?
21. My dad isn`t washing his car.