Предмет: Литература, автор: dzharbolova2009

Написать Путешествие Руслана из поэмы Руслан и людмила


Автор ответа: givesbabybrother


События поэмы предваряются вступлением, в котором описан волшебный край — Лукоморье. Там, от учёного кота, автор якобы и услышал эту сказку.

Киевский князь выдаёт свою дочь Людмилу за храброго богатыря Руслана, но в первую брачную ночь невесту похищает колдун Черномор — карлик с невероятно длинной бородой. Князь отменяет свадьбу и объявляет, что мужем Людмилы станет тот, кто её спасёт. Помимо Руслана, в поход за девушкой вызываются три его соперника: суровый Рогдай, трусливый хвастун Фарлаф и юный хазарин Ратмир. Однако соперники терпят неудачу: Рогдай пытается убить Руслана и гибнет от его руки, Фарлаф вместо поисков отдыхает, а Ратмир набредает на замок с чудесными девами и остаётся в нём.

Руслан встречает доброго волшебника, финна по национальности, который рассказывает ему свою историю. Он всю жизнь пытался добиться любви высокомерной ведьмы Наины, но достиг своего лишь тогда, когда они оба были уже слишком стары, а потому отверг её любовь. Наина, и до того жестокая, озлобилась на него и сдружилась с Черномором. Финн даёт Руслану совет: магическая сила Черномора в его бороде, которую нужно отрубить.


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The British people everyone else like sports and games. Britain invented and developed many of the sports and games which are now played all over the world. Football is one of them. It is spread all over the country – in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their national teams compete with each other every year. They take part in different competitions. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at Wimble Stadium in London. There are many football clubs all over Britain.The British people everyone else like sports and games. Britain invented and developed many of the sports and games which are now played all over the world. Football is one of them. It is spread all over the country – in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their national teams compete with each other every year. They take part in different competitions. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at Wimble Stadium in London. There are many football clubs all over Britain.

The British are famous for their sense of humor. Here’s one of their jokes about football: “Football is a game in which one side of the stadium want to see eleven men killed.”

Cricket is another popular summer sport. It is sometimes called an English national game. It is known that people played cricket in England as early as 1550. Nowadays this summer game is plays in schools, colleges, universities and in most towns and villages of Britain. Students play weekly games from late April to the end of September. International cricket matches last for five days. Cricket is not plays only by men, girls and women play this game too.

Boxing – is one of the oldest game. It existed even in Saxon times. Golf began to develops in Scotland and now is widely spread all over Britain. Nowadays every summer in June, the British hold the famous International Tennis Championship at Wimbledon near London.

Swimming, boating, sailing, rugby, hockey, rowing, athletics, climbing and horse-riding have always been popular in Britain and enjoyed by millions of people.

The British are famous for their sense of humor. Here’s one of their jokes about football: “Football is a game in which one side of the stadium want to see eleven men killed.”

Cricket is another popular summer sport. It is sometimes called an English national game. It is known that people played cricket in England as early as 1550. Nowadays this summer game is plays in schools, colleges, universities and in most towns and villages of Britain. Students play weekly games from late April to the end of September. International cricket matches last for five days. Cricket is not plays only by men, girls and women play this game too.

Boxing – is one of the oldest game. It existed even in Saxon times. Golf began to develops in Scotland and now is widely spread all over Britain. Nowadays every summer in June, the British hold the famous International Tennis Championship at Wimbledon near London.

Swimming, boating, sailing, rugby, hockey, rowing, athletics, climbing and horse-riding have always been popular in Britain and enjoyed by millions of peoplegj;f.