Your pen-friend has written you a letter asking for advice on how to improve his/her eating habits and get fit. Write a letter offering advice.
Ваш друг по переписке написал вам письмо с просьбой дать совет, как улучшить свои пищевые привычки и стать здоровым. Напишите письмо с советом.
Hello Nick,
How are you doing? Hope everything is all right. In your last letter you asked me for some advice. I am eager to help you
So if you want to improve your eating habits you should try to do the following.
Firstly, you should have your meals at the same time every day. Secondly, try to avoid fast food and junk food, as it won't do you any good.
Drink not less than 2 litres of water every day.
You also shouldn't eat too much sugar or sugary things
Please, start every meal with some fresh vegetables, you can also boil or back them, if you like.
And my last advice to you.
Please, don't eat late, if you are hungry at night it's better to drink a glass of milk or mineral water.
Stay healthy and hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes.
Your friend,