Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Lalochka123

Закончите предложения. Используйте прилагательные с предлогами.
1. My class is interested in the Friends Club magazine Образец
2.My English teacher-
3.My best friend-
4.Many of the boys in my class-
5. Many of the girls in my class-
6. I-


Автор ответа: svetafinchenko


2 is fond of diving 3 is keen on swimming 4 are afraid of taking exams 5 are busy with preparing for exams am not interested in politics


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Предмет: Русский язык, автор: hro9898
Прочитай. Озаглавь текст. Составь план
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Осиновый лист,покрасневший словно бы от ночных холодов, долго дрожал на ветру.Но вот новый набежавший порыв сорвал его и он полетел высоко-высоко,прямо к журавлиной стае,которая чётким клином тянулась к югу. И захотелось листу, чтобы какая-нибудь из этих курлыкающих птиц подхватила его клювом и понесла далёкие тёплые края.
Но нет, ветер внезапно исчез, и лист, кружась, стал опускаться.Он пролетел мимо ели, у которой на нижних сучках висели подсыхающие грибы, нанизанные белкой,и лёг рядом с муравейником.Этот дом всегда бегающих туда-сюда крошечные существ казался вымершим.Ни один муравей не пожелал взглянуть на красный упавший лист.Всё кончено,подумалось ему,жизнь на Земле исчезает...
Осина же,на которой он рос, спокойно смотрела, как осыпаются её листья. Она знала,
что скоро заснёт и проснётся, когда весеннее солнце отогреет её, а по стволу и веткам побежит сок.Вновь зашелестят на ней листья - молодые, ярко-зелёные, счастливые. А пока нужно сбросить с себя шелестящий наряд: близится зима...
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Pavel320129

Задание 2.1. Прочитайте текст. Измените слова справа так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

The national parks of Wales

There are three National parks in Wales, which cover one-fifth of the whole country. 1) ________ (this) parks are protected by law because of their natural beauty, but ordinary people still live and work here.
The 2)_______ (famous) of the parks is Snowdonia in "the north-west.
It 3)_______(cover) 840 square miles (2, 176 sq. km). It's Wales' most picturesque countryside. The 4)______(high) mountain range in Wales
is in this area, with several peaks over 3,000 5)______ (foot) (910 m).
Snowdon is more than 1,085 m. You can reach the top of it on foot or by the Snowdon mountain rail¬way, which is 7 kilometers long.
Many men, women and 6)_______(child) travel to the parks for special holidays. These include a large number of outdoor 7)______ (activity) such as walking, climbing and riding, or water-sports such as canoeing and fishing. People camp and live without all the usual comforts of home.

Задание 2.2. Прочитайте текст. Измените слова справа так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Let our children be healthy!
There are many problems that 1)_______ (Britain) schools are facing today. One of them is making sure that schoolchildren eat healthy food.
In Britain., children can either choose to bring their own lunch or buy their lunch at school. Children from poorer 2)______( family) family can have free school dinners but many of them don't take their dinners for 3)______( differ ) reasons.
Here is what they say: "I hate my school dinners. The food is so disgusting!" "I never have school dinner because it's the same food every day". "Our school dinners
are always cold!" "My school 4)_____( most) sells chips and pizza. Of course it sells some healthy things but they look extremely 5)______( bore)."
But it's not all bad. Some Brit¬ish schools are making a real ef¬fort to help their pupils to make the right food choices. Some run competitions for the "6)______ " (healthy) class of the week, some produce information leaflets (брошюры) about the right kind of food. And 7)_______ (much) important of all, they try to make their school dinners both tasty and healthy.

Задание 3.1. Прочитайте текст. Выберите ответ (a-d) по смыслу.
I'm a writer!
Many people think that they can write stories. They 1)______like to be writers. They write stories and send them to magazines. When the magazines don't want to publish their stories, 2)_____ people become angry.
A lady once wrote a long story. She sent it to a famous editor (редактор). After 3)______ weeks the story was returned to her. The lady was angry. She wrote 4)______ the editor:
"Dear Sir, yesterday you sent back my story. How do you know that the story is not good? You 5) _____not read it. Before I sent you the story, I had pasted (склеивать) together pages 18, 19 and 20. This was 6)_____ test to see if you would read the story. When the story came back yesterday, the pages were still pasted together. Do you read all the stories that 7)______ to you in such a way (ТАКИМ ОБРАЗОМ)?"
The editor wrote back: "Dear Madam, at breakfast when I open an egg I don't have to eat all the egg to understand that it is bad."

1. a) should b) would c) must d) can
2. a) these b) this c) those d) that
3. a) a few b) few c) little d) a little
4. a) at b) into c) ---- d)to
5. a) do b)did c) does d) was
6. a) an b)a c) the d) ----
7. a) were sent b) was sent c) are sent d) send

Задание 3.2. Прочитайте текст. Выберите ответ (a-d) по смыслу.
Not a problem

Some people know 1) _________ but they are too shy to speak foreign languages. Some people know little but they overcome this problem 2) ___.
Once a famous European writer 3) ______ to an American girl. The American, speaking in the writer's native language, asked him why he had never visited 4) ____ United States. "I know only a few sentences
5) ___ English," answered the writer. "What are 6) _____ sentences” asked the girl. «How do you do? I love you. Forgive me. Forget me. Ham and eggs, please," answered the writer. "But," said the girl, "with that vocabulary you 7) ___ travel all over my country."

1. a) much b) little c) many d) a little
2. a) easy b) easiest c) easily d) easier
3. a) talked b) was talking c) talks d) is talking
4. a) a b) the c) an d) —
5. a) by b) at c) on d) in
6. a) the b) a c) — d) an
7. a) have to b) mustn't c) can d) had to