Describe how media, emotions and culture are interconnected and develop how we can introduce Positive Psychology on the news.
First of all , i want to start from emotions, cause media is not stable at all, as people using media also, culture is not very important to all, to be honest. So, there are many emotions. Many people feel different emotions each day. They cry, they laugh, they love each other, and hate each other. And the most unbeilieveble - you can feel that all in one time. Media , emotions , culture - they are not connected at all. How can we introduce Positive Psychology on the news? Huh, can we?
Do people need Positive Psychology? No. They need help instead. Mental help. And you offer "positive psychology" ?
Isn't that a narcissism? Isn't that just offering to put a smile on a face , instead of offering mental help? I mean psychological one.
I know, the whole text i wrote, isn't a good answer. But it is the psychology. And the psychology offers many alternative ways to talk, and understand.