Предмет: Українська мова, автор: stanislav08litus

Записати всі можливі відповіді на питання: " Котра година?" 16:25


Автор ответа: jojo410


Четверта двадцять п'ять, двадцять п'ять хвилин на п'яту, чверть на п'яту

Автор ответа: HazbinHotelAlastor


Зараз Час 16:25

Пішло 25 хвилин від 16 годин

Час майже пів четвертого

Час зараз шістнадцять годин двадцять п'ять хвилин

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: zoasedix
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 89069204387
I. Замените подчёркнутые словосочетания подходящими по смыслу личными местоимениями.
1. This boy is handsome.
2. My sister sings well.
3. Our friends are students.
4. Your cat is grey.
II. Поставьте в пропуски нужные притяжательные местоимения.
1. They have a nice car. ….. car is new.
2. He has a computer in ….. room.
3. I have a brother. …. brother is a doctor.
4. We decorate ….. house.
III. Употребите конструкции (there is или there are).
1. … … tables in the dining room.
2. … … a sofa near the fireplace.
3. … … a carpet on the floor.
4. … … buildings in the street.
IV. Поставьте в пропуски глагол to be в нужной форме.
1. … he a handsome boy?
2. These boys … my friends.
3. I … a teacher.
4. She ….. very funny.
V. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.
1. My mother’s bag.
2. Her brother’s ball.
3. His father’s house.
4. Our grandmother’s shoes.
VI. Употребите глаголы в скобках сначала в Present Indefinite, а затем в Future Indefinite.
1. Mike (to live) in London.
2. I (to visit) my friends every day.
3. Ann (to know) many songs.
4. My parents (to play) tennis very well.
5. His sister (to work) at an office.
VII. Поставьте в пропуски much, little, many, few.
1. There are …..(мало) windows in the room.
2. You have ….. (мало) food in the fridge.
3. There is ….. (много) paper on the desk.
4. There are ….. (много) people here.
VIII. Поставьте в пропуски неопределённые местоимения some или any.
1. Have you got …. friends?
2. There are …. newspapers on the table.
3. Has he …. English books at home?
4. We have …. apples in the fridge.
IX. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Indefinite.
Mike (to get) up at seven o’clock in the morning. He (to open) the window, (to make) his bed and (to do) his
morning exercises. In half an hour he (to be) ready for breakfast. Classes began at eight. He put on his hat and
jacket, took his bag and went to school. After school he visited his friend. They played chess together.